Transportation Improvement Program

Among other tasks, the IMPO tracks and distributes funds through a program known as the Indianapolis Regional Transportation Improvement Program (IRTIP), or “TIP” for short. The TIP is a four-year plan for Central Indiana infrastructure. Depending on the type of project, the TIP tracks, schedules, and funds projects in Central Indiana based on regional priorities and cooperative input from communities throughout the area. The IMPO 2024-2027 TIP document provides information on project funding, federal programs, policies, and public involvement. 

For alternative formats, translation services, or accommodation needs for persons with disabilities, or to view documents in person at our offices please contact us at, 317-327-5136, or visit our offices at 200 East Washington Street, Suite 2322, Indianapolis, IN 46204.


The TIP is a four-year schedule of transportation projects proposed by government and transportation agencies in the Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Area using certain funds. The TIP changes over time as projects get delayed, advance quicker than anticipated, and costs change. These changes are called TIP amendments. The TIP is formally amended six times a year to reflect amendments and to add new projects as they receive funding through continuing calls for projects from the Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization (IMPO), Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), or the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Large or significant amendments require the approval of the IMPO Transportation Policy Committee.

The IMPO's online database known as "MiTIP" allows the public to view programmed transportation projects contained in the TIP online. MiTIP represents the most current version of the TIP at any given time. Information from the TIP database may also be provided in other formats and languages for viewing online or in-person at our offices. For more information contact staff at or 317-227-5108 or visit our offices at 200 East Washington Street, Suite 2322, Indianapolis, IN 46204.


Check out the MPO's interactive MiTIP portal for information on, and maps of, federally funded projects across the region

Visit MiTIP

Project Funding and the Call for Projects

The IMPO receives an annual allocation of funding from INDOT to support transportation projects within the Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA). A legislatively approved formula is used by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to distribute funding to each state which then allocates these funds to MPOs. Each year the IMPO goes through a competitive process to determine what projects receive this funding. To select projects to receive the IMPO’s funding, the IMPO issues an annual “call-for-projects”.

During the call-for-projects local public agencies (typically cities, towns, counties, and transit organizations) choose projects to submit for consideration by completing a data-driven application and committing to locally fund a portion of the project cost. The IMPO then selects projects for funding based on the funding goals of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) as adopted by the IMPO’s Transportation Policy Committee, federal eligibility requirements, and on their rank after the scoring process based on the IMPO's scoring criteria.

Call for Projects

Visit the call for projects page to learn more about project selection, scoring, and IMPO managed funding

Visit the Page

More Information about the TIP and TIP Amendments

Below you will find information about the federal legislation that enables the TIP, current and proposed amendments to the TIP, information on the Federal Funds Exchange Program, and other useful information.

Federal Fund Exchange Program and Forms

In August of 2020, the Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization (IMPO) signed an agreement with the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) to exchange the IMPO’s annual allocation of Federal transportation program funds for State funds to fund regionally significant transportation projects in the Indianapolis Regional Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The policies and procedures are the result of collaboration between the IMPO, the Transportation Technical and Policy Committees, INDOT, and feedback from local public agencies. Local agencies may also wish to review a short overview presentation or the full training recording.

Proposed TIP Amendments

Formal amendments are significant changes to the TIP that require an opportunity for public review and comment and require approval by the IMPO's Transportation Policy Committee at a public hearing. This often includes adding new projects, deleting projects, or significant cost changes. For more information about a project visit our database and enter the project DES number in the Advanced Search tab.

You are invited to participate in our regional planning process. Public comments are encouraged to be submitted in advance by email to, by mail to 200 East Washington Street, Suite 2322, Indianapolis, IN 46204, or by phone to our voicemail line at 317-327-8601. Public comment opportunities will also be available in person during any listed public hearings.

For alternative formats, translation services, or accommodation needs for persons with disabilities, please call 317-327-5136 in advance of the meeting. This meeting location is accessible via transit and is wheelchair accessible. To plan your trip via transit see

Helpful Resources for Local Engineers and Planners

Check out our clearing house for information and resources needed by local public agencies (LPA), including INDOT's ADA and Title VI information.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently asked questions about the TIP including submitting applications

Annual List of Obligated Projects (ALOP)

In accordance with Federal requirements, the MPO publishes its “Annual List of Obligated Projects” (ALOP) based on information provided by INDOT. The purpose of the report is to provide to the public, as well as State and local officials, information regarding federal spending on transportation projects within the Indianapolis region, along with a progress report and disclosure of project delivery occurring over a shorter planning period of only one year.

Administrative TIP Modifications

Modifications are minor changes to projects or the TIP that do not require the IMPO's Transportation Policy Committee's approval or public review. These include but are not limited to general editorial corrections; changes to projects that do not involve a significant change in the use of IMPO funds such as minor cost increases, moving fiscal years within the active years of the current TIP, minor scope changes that do not change the overall project impact or transportation conformity, or moving projects from the previous TIP into the current TIP. Modifications from the most recent quarter are below. For more information about what types of changes result in a TIP amendment review the Federal Funds Exchange Policy.

Stay Informed

For updates and involvement opportunities on this program and others, please subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter, teMPO. The newsletter includes regional project updates, upcoming educational and public input opportunities, and useful regional planning news.