Driving Skills

How well do you drive? Take this quiz to find out if you know the rules of the road!

start the quiz!

1. Are bicyclists required to use bike lanes?

  • No, the bicyclist has the right to use either the bike lane or the travel lane

  • No, the bicyclist may use the travel lane but only at turns

  • Yes, the bicyclist must only use the bike lane if one is available

  • Yes, but only during peak traffic times

2. A good defensive driver should:

  • Look out for actions of other drivers

  • Drive slowly at all times

  • Travel at a constant speed

  • Only drive in familiar areas

3. How many lanes can you change at a time?​

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

4. When approaching a school bus with red flashing light and a stop arm extended how should motorists proceed?

  • Motorists must stop when approaching the bus. If you are driving on a roadway divided by a barrier or unimproved median, you are required to stop only if you are traveling in the same direction as the school bus.

  • Motorists must stop when approaching the bus. If you are driving on a roadway divided by a barrier or unimproved median you must stop if you are travelling in any direction.

  • Motorists must slow down and yield to the bus.

  • Motorists must stop when approaching the bus. If you are driving on a three-lane roadway with a center turn lane you are required to stop only if you are traveling in the same direction as the school bus.

5. On an urban interstate highway, drivers must:

  • not exceed either 55 miles per hour or the posted speed limit

  • keep up with traffic

  • not drive faster than traffic

  • remain in the right-most lane to drive the speed limit

you answered /5 correctly

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