Executive Committee Meeting

Public Notices
| Wednesday, February 05 | 12:00AM


Notice is hereby given that the Executive Committee meeting of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization (IMPO) previously scheduled for 9:00am on February 28, 2025 will now be held at 8:30am on February 28 at the IndyGo Board Room, 1501 West Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46222.

Meeting locations and times are subject to change. Please check the meeting calendar indympo.gov/calendar for updates and agendas. At least one week before the hearing copies of the agenda and exhibits pertaining thereto will be available on the IMPO’s website at indympo.gov, or for viewing in person, by appointment, in Room 2322 of the City-County Building, 200 East Washington Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Please call 317-327-7587 to arrange a time for in-person viewing of materials, as some staff are working remotely.

The public participation process described above is used to satisfy the public participation process for the Program of Projects (POP) for the following Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grantee: Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation (IndyGo).

The public participation process described above is consistent with the policies and procedures for public involvement that have been formally adopted by CIRTA, and meets all applicable public participation requirements pertaining to grants associated with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA).

For accommodation needs for persons with disabilities, please call (317) 327-5108, email info@indympo.gov, or mail 200 East Washington Street, Suite 2322, Indianapolis, IN.

For more information about these committee meetings and agendas visit www.indympo.gov. All meetings are accessible by transit. Visit www.IndyGo.net for more information.