CIRCLE 2050 MTP Comment Period Open

Public Notices
| Friday, September 27 | 11:00AM


Sept. 27, 2024

Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization Seeks Public Input

Long-range planning will include Central Indiana communities

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind—From Sept. 27 to Oct. 27, the Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization (IMPO) will accept public comments on a complete draft of Central Indiana: Reflect, Create, Lead, Excel Metropolitan Transportation Plan (CIRCLE 2050 MTP), a long-range guiding transportation plan for cities, towns, and counties in Central Indiana.

Key elements of the plan include comparisons to other regions in the country with similar growth and changes and a summary of regional planning efforts in transportation, environment, safety, and land use. The plan includes a policy framework with vision, goals, strategies and a list of financially constrained proposed projects through 2050.

The CIRCLE 2025 MTP is integral in deciding funding amounts and implementing transportation needs to address mobility challenges throughout Central Indiana. The plan includes regionally significant projects that increase the network's capacity, including building new roads or adding travel lanes to existing roads. The plan also discusses preferred growth patterns, alternative transportation, and congestion management strategies. It references the IMPO Regional Active Transportation Plan (ATP) for inventories and includes recommendations regarding regional bikeways, walkways, and transit.

Central Indiana residents are encouraged to review the plan and provide feedback. The deadline for submitting comments is Oct. 27 at 5 p.m. and can be submitted via email to, voicemail at 317-327-8601, or mailed to Indianapolis MPO, 200 E Washington St, Ste 2322, Indianapolis, IN 46204. The IMPO will also secure live input during virtual and in-person listening sessions. All listening sessions are open, and the public is invited to attend. Visit for a complete list of times and locations.

The Metropolitan Transportation Plan, which is updated every four years, is a long-term plan for the region’s investment in transportation.

Media Contact:
Denise Herd, Herd Strategies


About the IMPO:
The Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization (IMPO) is Central Indiana’s federally designated regional planning organization. The IMPO creates and implements short and long-range plans to advance the region’s goals in transportation, economic development, housing, safety, sustainability, and other quality-of-life issues. The IMPO is also responsible for distributing certain transportation funds for roads, transit, trails, and other means of moving people and goods around Central Indiana. Our planning region includes approximately 1,500 square miles, 36 member jurisdictions, and approximately 1.78 million residents.