Indianapolis MPO Technical Assistance Program (IMTAP)


The IMPO held a call for IMTAP projects between July 1 and September 1, 2022. The program provides funding to local public agencies to complete plans or studies and support local or regional planning efforts. The overall goal of the program is to support the implementation of the IMPO’s Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and improve the region’s performance on federal performance measures.

The IMTAP program successfully funded projects in 2017 and 2018 providing seventeen plans for sixteen jurisdictions within the region. The 2022 call for projects was intended to continue the program’s success with updated goals, project focus areas, and selection criteria in relation to the adopted MTP.

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2022 IMTAP Projects

On October 19, 2022 the IMPO's Transportation Policy Committee adopted a resolution awarding $75,000 grants for IMTAP planning projects in Fishers, Greenfield, Indianapolis, and Lawrence.

City of Fishers Trails and Greenways Study – The City of Fishers used its grant to produce a citywide trails and greenways study to identify primary pedestrian routes and priority gaps in the pedestrian network. With the new Nickel Plate Trail and Geist Greenway, city leaders sought to expand the Fishers 2040 Bike and Pedestrian Map.

IndyMoves: City of Indianapolis Vision Zero Study – The City of Indianapolis will complete a Vision Zero Study as part of the IndyMoves plan.

Charging Greenfield – The City of Greenfield studied and planned for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in the community. The plan provides information needed to pursue public-private partnerships for the infrastructure.

City of Lawrence Capital Improvement Plan & Program – The City of Lawrence will establish a Capital Improvement Plan & Program that prioritizes needed infrastructure projects over 20 years and develops a revenue-constrained list for the first five years of the plan period.

Charging Lawrence – The City of Lawrence studied and planned for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in the community. The plan provides information needed to pursue public-private partnerships for the infrastructure.

Past Local Planning Studies

The Indianapolis MPO has previously provided federal planning dollars to fund local planning projects within the Metropolitan Planning Area. Funded studies were chosen via a competitive project selection process. As these plans are completed, they will be added to this website under Local Plans.

  • In 2017, the MPO approved funding for seven local planning studies.
  • In 2018, the MPO approved funding for ten local planning studies.


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