Request for IMPO Travel Demand Model Output

What is the IMPO Travel Demand Model?

The IMPO Travel Demand Model, or ITDM, is an advanced trip-based travel model that was recently updated with a new hybrid freight model component in early 2021. It was fully calibrated at that time to traffic counts and other data reflecting 2019 travel conditions. The ITDM helps the IMPO and planning partners to evaluate current and proposed transportation improvements. Model forecasts provide data on roadway and transit users and travel patterns across the region.

The ITDM incorporates a wide variety of data about the residents of Central Indiana that includes businesses, transportation systems, and development patterns that create millions of trips across the region daily. These trips are then assigned to both roadway and transit networks to produce estimates of a wide variety of measures that are useful when evaluating transportation policy, plans, and projects. Some of these measures include directional link volumes, vehicle miles traveled, vehicle hours traveled, vehicle hours of delay, volume/capacity ratios, speeds, travel time, transit boardings/ridership, travel mode split, and Origin/Destination travel patterns.

Data Output Requests

MPO Members (and Consultants directly working with an MPO Member)

MPO Members (and Consultants directly working with an MPO Member) may request outputs from the travel demand model.

Non-MPO Member Agencies and members of the General Public

Non-MPO Members/Public may request forecasted flows and VMT from official Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) scenario outputs.