Two Open Review and Feedback Opportunities:

Call for Projects Funding Recommendations

Every year the IMPO receives approximately $60 million in funding to distribute to local public agencies (cities, towns, counties, and transit agencies) for transportation improvements (roads, roundabouts, trails, busses, and more) during a competitive and data-driven “call for projects”. The IMPO has developed a recommended list of projects from this year’s call for projects. The IMPO is asking for review and feedback on these funding recommendations for 2028 projects (and 2029 and 2030 funding for transportation alternatives projects only). The IMPO is recommending $65.6M in funding for 25 projects across the region. Public review and comment is open between November 29, 2024 and December 30, 2024. Your comments will be made available to the Transportation Technical and Transportation Policy Committees members before those committees consider formally adopting these projects into the TIP.

Recommendation Document

Feedback & Comments for the recommendations may be sent to:

  • By email to
  • By phone by leaving a message on the IMPO's voicemail at 317-327-8601
  • By mail (must be received by Dec 30) to: Indianapolis MPO, 200 E. Washington St, Suite 2322, Indianapolis, IN 46204

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Draft 2026-2029 Transportation Improvement Program

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a federally required, four-year plan for tracking and funding transportation improvements across the MPO’s planning area. The draft 2026-2029 Transportation Improvement Program tracks approximately $1.7B in funding for local transportation improvement projects (roads, bridges, trails, transit, etc.) in the IMPO’s planning area. Public review and comment is open between November 29, 2024 and December 30, 2024. Your comments will be made available to the Transportation Technical and Transportation Policy Committees members before those committees consider formally adopting this TIP.

Draft Document

Feedback & Comments for the draft document may be sent to:

  • By email to
  • By phone by leaving a message on the IMPO's voicemail at 317-327-8601
  • By mail (must be received by Dec 30) to: Indianapolis MPO, 200 E. Washington St, Suite 2322, Indianapolis, IN 46204

TIP Call for Projects


Each year, the IMPO is allocated federal transportation funding from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) passed through the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT). This funding is distributed to local public agencies (typically cities, towns, counties, and transit organizations) by the IMPO to support transportation improvement projects (roads, bridges, trails, transit, etc.) in the IMPO’s planning area.

About the Call for Projects

Working with local public agencies, the IMPO prioritizes, selects, and awards funding to projects that address needed transportation improvements. To select projects to receive the IMPO’s funding, the IMPO issues an annual “call-for-projects”. During the call-for-projects, local public agencies choose projects to submit for consideration by completing a data-driven application and committing to locally fund a portion of the project cost. Typically, the MPO funds up to 80% of construction and construction engineering costs with a 20% local match from the local public agency. The local public agency provides 100% of the funding for preliminary engineering, right-of-way acquisition, and other project costs.

The IMPO reviews all applications and develops a list of projects recommended for funding. This recommendation list is guided by the allocation goals of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan, the requirements of federal transportation programs, and the scores of projects ranked through the IMPO’s TIP project selection (scoring) criteria. The recommendation list is then reviewed, amended as needed, and adopted as a TIP amendment by the Transportation Policy Committee.

Annual Call for Project Applications

The IMPO recently held a call for projects between August 1 and September 12. The IMPO received 54 applications from 19 local public agencies requesting a total of $202,798,235 in IMPO-managed funds. 

2028 Application Information:

Reference Materials:

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